Money for nothing, commits for free

May 1, 2024

In late March 2024, the open source community discovered a backdoor in XZ Utils, a suite of tools that use the xz compression algorithm. The xz backdoor was embedded inside liblzma, and took effect when liblzma was used in OpenSSH, a common remote-login tool. You can read about this extensively in many places elsewhere.

Since then, many people leveraged the xz backdoor to highlight their favorite systemic issue in open source. Jen Easterly, the head of CISA, argued that the only way to stop another backdoor is by having more corporate support for open source. This opinion was echoed by Meredith Whitaker, the CEO of Signal. A similar opinion among developers is that the only way to secure the open source ecosystem is by offering some sort of Universal Basic Income (UBI) so that developers can work on open source full time.

Unfortunately, money does not prevent this backdoor. First off, remember that aside from funding infrastructure, money is mostly only useful for open-source projects if it can enable the maintainer to work on open source in place of their current full-time job, rather than nights and weekends. A living wage UBI doesn’t reach this threshold for most software developers, who currently largely enjoy fairly high salaries. So let’s think about how companies can apply money1 to open source in ways that could allow maintainers to quit their day jobs.

Companies could:

  • Engage with the maintainer as a consultant, and pay them to fix bugs and implement features that are specifically relevant to the corporation.
  • Hire the maintainer as an employee, and have their full-time job be running the project. This could be a mix of ensuring the project remains useful to the company’s goals, general open source maintenance, and other company work. For example, this is what Microsoft does with Electron.
  • Pay the maintainer a salary-equivalent to derisk the likelihood the project goes under, but don’t actually engage with them as a consultant.

The first approach, paying the maintainer as a consultant, may sound appealing if you’ve never worked full-time as a consultant. As a consultant, you have to find clients to provide services to in exchange for money. Perhaps you get yourself to a state where you can spend most of your time working on whatever it is that you choose, and find a few small, high-value contracts here and there to support what you do, but that’s difficult. The good news is that it’s already an option! Open-source developers in high leverage situations can do this right now.

Unfortunately, being a consultant is not the same thing as working on an open-source project for love of the game. There’s a lot of other work involved in running a business, supporting clients, and finding work. You’re going to find yourself with SLAs and contracts and wait a minute, now you’re not an open-source project, you’re running a software consultancy with open code. The concerns for something that needs to make the author money are fundamentally different than the concerns for an open-source project.

Open-source development is enjoyable for many people because they can set the direction and the feature set and the tech stack of the project without having to be beholden to their users or clients. The goal of the project can be the technology itself, rather than to provide value to users2. Unfortunately, once it becomes your source of income, you start to be beholden to your users. If you’re a consultant, you can you end up with perverse incentives to make the open-source project worse so that your users are more likely to convert in to paying clients who want custom features that otherwise could have been open source.

What about hiring maintainers as employees? Well, you still have to be an employee. You’re going to have to do employee things like performance reviews and goal setting. Instead of what was a self-guided open-source project, you have a job with a salary, open code, and maybe open governance, but you’ve lost the freedom that came with an open-source project. You have a job, and having a job is fundamentally different from building something as a gift. Eventually, this starts to look like corporate open source, which has its own set of problems.

So if consulting doesn’t work, because it’s already an option and people don’t take it, and hiring maintainers as employees changes the nature of open source, what about paying the maintainers and not making them employees?

From the perspective of a single maintainer, this last approach is functionally identical to the UBI approach, just with a higher salary. However, this approach doesn’t work because not only is it incredibly unrealistic, but there’s no guarantees. I’ve only seen this accomplished once, by someone who walked the line between consultant and influencer. Funding maintainers without consulting or employment agreements is simply throwing money at open-source developers and hoping security gets fixed. As much as it would be nice to work on whatever you want and still make a Big Tech salary with limited accountability3, that’s not how exchanging money for goods and services works.

To make all of this even worse, consider the case where the open-source project is mostly “done”. A compression library for a “finished” compression format is fairly stable, all things considered. There’s bugs to fix, CI to manage, new platforms to support. But there is not 40 hours of work each week, nor is there a large enough target market to support a full-time consulting job. Turning projects like this in to a consulting job risks expanding scope of the project in a way that’s actually net harmful and increases attack surface.

At the end of the day, none of these arguments about money even matter, because regardless of whether or not the maintainer is being paid, who is paying them, and what the expectations are of the maintainer, there is still a succession problem! At some point, maintainers will either want to step away, or life will force them to move on, and the project will need to be handed off or will need a second maintainer. Where does that maintainer come from? They could still be another Jia Tan. If there was a magical pot of money paying for maintenance, then Jia Tan could still backdoor the project, and get paid for it! What a gig!

Let’s separate out the discourse about open source from the actual security steps consumers of open source should be taking. For security, there are tangible steps you can take to mitigate the impact of another Jia Tan:

  • Have less dependencies and reduce your attack surface.
  • For the dependencies you do have, ensure you can build them from source using build tooling that you can control, rather than build tooling defined by an untrusted third-party.
  • If you still want to use third-party build tooling, consider avoiding projects that use autotools, a build system that thinks it’s a good idea to invoke gcc around 6000 times to figure out if you’re running a 30-year old version of Solaris. Better yet, submit patches to move projects off of autotools.
  • Prefer using languages and dependency systems that have support for auditing4, and build a process in your organization for evaluating and updating new third-party dependencies, and tracking their security advisories.
  • Avoid dependencies written in languages that could introduce a memory safety bug, enabling them to stomp all around your application’s address space. No need to let a bull into the china cabinet.

For the discourse, consider:

  • Is your suggestion for open source actually suggesting mass societal change in a way that benefits you, personally? If so, consider focusing on the societal change bits, rather than the open source bits.
  • How, specifically, would any proposal have stopped Jia Tan? Who is getting paid to do what, by who, and why are they getting paid? Why would paying those people have resulted in a different outcome?

And finally, consider that this was a success story. The open-source community caught the backdoor before it percolated beyond nightly release channels. And while it’s likely that this is not the only backdoor in open-source software, there’s no evidence to suggest backdoors are endemic.

Now, if only Microsoft could channel their appreciation for speed towards Microsoft Teams…

Inspiration for the Dire Straits title format came from Peter Honeyman’s NLUUG keynote, “Money for nothing, chips for free”.

  1. This is not about “corporate open source”, where a company makes a strategic business decision to build their product around an open-source project. Corporate open source definitionally has corporate support, but has its own set of problems. ↩︎

  2. Not all open-source projects run like this, and you have to balance your desires for users with your goals as a maintainer. But at the end of the day, an open-source maintainer who’s in it “for love of the game” can simply choose to not doing something and their users have to deal with it. ↩︎

  3. Who wouldn’t like a high-paying job with no responsibilities or accountability? Jokes on you, I already have that job. It’s called “Product Manager at Big Tech”. ↩︎

  4. By support for auditing, I mean the dependency manager has a concept of “someone in my organization, or another organization I trust, has audited this specific version of this dependency”. An example of this is cargo vet↩︎