Denormalized Schema Design with X.509

October 30, 2022

Designing schemas for large-scale data analysis for OLAP (e.g. BigQuery, Snowflake, Avro, JSON Lines, etc.) is different from designing data structures in code or schemas for relational databases.

This post focuses on advice for creating schemas for large-scale data analysis. I use X.509 certificates as concrete example of a dataset in need of a schema because I’ve worked with it a lot in the last 10 years or so. When describing schemas, I represent types in protobuf format, since it’s a universal type language. I include field numbers to make the syntax valid, but their individual values are not important. Fields marked as repeated correspond to arrays or lists, which I use interchangably. Protobuf Message types are defined by the message keyword, and I consider the terms “message”, “type”, and “object” to be interchangable.

X.509 Background

X.509 certificates are used for a variety of purposes, but are primarily known for their use in HTTPS. The certificates are an ASN.1 structure standardized across many different documents, including RFC 5280. I aim to provide enough background in each section to follow along without knowing anything about the technical details of X.509 going in, but it may be helpful to understand a few of the high-level components:

  • Certificates have a subject and an issuer.
  • Certificates contain a public key signed by the issuer.
  • Certificates can contain an arbitrary number of extensions.

All publicly trusted certificates are logged to certificate transparency logs. The set of all certificates is useful to researchers, threat hunters, and root programs. However, the logs are not in a searachable format. It’s common for these users to ingest certificates from logs and store them in a queryable format for analysis (or to buy access to it).


Unlike relational databases, storing data for data analysis in an OLAP should be denormalized. Relational databases prefer normalized data, meaning any individual piece of data should only be stored once, and tables use IDs to refer to other objects. For example, instead of a single table of certificates, a relational database might have a table for subjects, a table for issuers, a table for keys, and a table for certificates, where the certificates table references objects from the other tables by ID.

A normalized structure makes it easy to fetch or update an individual record, or a piece of a record, since all records are individually keyed and data only needs to be updated in one spot. However, this makes it difficult write analytic queries, since any operation will likely require a large number of joins to select all the data and denormalize it.

Until you start to reach record size limits (~2MB in BigQuery), you’re better off storing all the context to interpret a record in a single denormalized object. For X.509, this means having a single certificates table, where some information, like subject and issuer, will be “duplicated” across records. Modern OLAP databases can still optimize this storage by storing data in columnar format.

Avoid nested arrays and arrays of objects

In most query languages and programming languages, identifying an individual element in an array or list is straightforward if one of the following are true:

  • You know the index of the element and can access it directly, or
  • The element is a primitive value and the IN operator exists.

Nested arrays (arrays of arrays)

Convert flags to repeated enums

If you need to represent a set of flags or a bitfield, define each flag as an enum, and then store the set flags as a list of enums. Do not store the flags as a structure of bools. Don’t do this:

// KeyUsage structured as a series of independent bools.
message KeyUsages {
    bool server_auth = 0;
    bool client_auth = 1;
    bool key_signing = 2;
    bool code_signing = 3;

message Certificate {
    // ...
    KeyUsages key_usages = 10;
    // ...

An object containing many bools makes it easy to answer questions about individual values like “Which certificates have the ServerAuth and ClientAuth flag?”

-- How many set SERVER_AUTH and CLIENT_AUTH?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM certificates
WHERE key_usages.server_auth = TRUE
    AND key_usages.client_auth = TRUE

Unfortunately, this structure also makes it hard to answer questions about the overall makeup of KeyUsages, such as “Which certificates have no key usage flags set?” or “Of certificates that have the Server Auth flag, how many don’t assert any other key usage?”. This is because questions about the full set of flags require writing a series of OR statements across all fields in KeyUsage. This is annoying to do, and easy to get out of date—every past query will be wrong when a new value is added.

-- How many set SERVER_AUTH and no other usages?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM certificates
WHERE key_usages.server_auth = TRUE
    AND key_usages.client_auth = FALSE
    AND key_usages.key_signing = FALSE
    AND key_usages.code_signing = FALSE
-- Among those that set SERVER_AUTH, how many usages do they have?
-- Not even going to write this out, because it would involve counting every
-- combination boolean fields. You can't write this in practice without code
-- generation or reflection once the number of fields get high.

Instead, store the flags as a repeated enum.

// KeyUsage flags as an enum
enum KeyUsage {
    SERVER_AUTH = 0;
    CLIENT_AUTH = 2;
    KEY_SIGNING = 3;

message Certificate {
    // ...
    repeated KeyUsage KeyUsages = 10;
    // ...

This way, it’s still easy to query about individual flags. Queries use the IN operator instead of boolean equals. However, queries about the general makeup of flags can leverage the array length to do breakdowns by how many flags are set, without needing to specify each individual flag values. The harder queries from the previous structure become easier:

-- How many set SERVER_AUTH and CLIENT_AUTH?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Certificates
-- How many set SERVER_AUTH and no other usages?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Certificates
WHERE 'SERVER_AUTH' IN KeyUsage AND LEN(KeyUsage) = 0;
-- Among those that set SERVER_AUTH, how many usages do they have?
SELECT COUNT(*), LEN(KeyUsage) FROM Certificates

Aggregating over known and unknown values

When parsing data into a fixed schema for analysis, parsers might only be able to “break out” specific fields that the parser has prior knowledge of, and then provide the “unknown” fields are a set of key-value pairs, where the keys are string IDs, and the values are unparsed bytes. In X.509, this happens with extensions. Extensions are keyed by Object ID (OID), and consist of ASN.1 bytes. If the implementation is unfamiliar with specific extension OID, it can skip over the value and move on to the next extension.

First, let’s consider just the unknown extensions. These could be represented as a map:

map<string, bytes> unknown_extensions;

However, this won’t translate well into most schema descriptions because the fieldnames (keys of the map) are dynamic1. Instead, flatten the map into an array.

message Certificate {
    // ...
    Extensions extensions = 20;
    // ...

// Extensions contains parsed and unknown extensions.
message Extensions {
    // Parsed
    AlternativeName subject_alt_name = 0;
    AlternativeName issuer_alt_name = 1;
    KeyID akid = 2;
    KeyID skid = 3;

    // Unknown
    repeated UnknownExtensions unknown_extensions = 255;

// UnknownExtension is an (OID, bytes) tuple.
message UnknownExtension {
    string ID = 0;
    bytes value = 1;

message KeyID {
    // ...
message AlternativeName {
    // ...

This will hold all extensions, known and unknown, without any information loss (subject to parsing), and without any dynamic field names. It’s now possible to get a breakdown of unknown extensions, and to access rich, structured data about the known extensions.

-- Access individual extensions
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM certificates WHERE extensions.akid = "<value>"
-- Unknown extensions broken down by ID
SELECT COUNT(*), e.ID FROM certificates c
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(c.extensions.unknown_extensions) as e

However, we do not have the ability to easily understand the breakdown of all extensions because we don’t store the IDs of the parsed extensions. We can fix this by storing it alongside the unknown extensions, even though the data is implied by the existance of specific parsed fields. Similar to the flags-to-enum case, this avoids having to write another massive OR across all fields in extensions.

// Extensions contains the IDs of all extensions. Known extensions are parsed.
message Extensions {
    // Parsed
    AlternativeName subject_alt_name = 0;
    AlternativeName issuer_alt_name = 1;
    KeyID akid = 2;
    KeyID skid = 3;

    // IDs
    repeated string IDs = 4;

    // Unknown
    repeated UnknownExtensions unknown_extensions = 255;

Now we can easily write breakdowns across all extension values!

This structure violates the earlier recommendation of avoiding arrays of objects, since unknown_extensions is a repeated object. This is only required if we need to store the raw bytes for the unknown extensions, separated out. Do we really need this?

Think carefully about if and where you store raw values

Try to avoid storing unparsed values alongside parsed values whenever possible. In an ideal world, there is a separate datastore for raw values that is not your OLAP database. In practice, you might have both. If you do include raw values, be thoughtful about where you put them. Continuing the previous example, let’s see what happens when we move the array of raw unknown extensions a single blob for all extensions.

// Extensions contains the IDs of all extensions. Known extensions are parsed.
message Extensions {
    // Parsed
    AlternativeName subject_alt_name = 0;
    AlternativeName issuer_alt_name = 1;
    KeyID akid = 2;
    KeyID skid = 3;

    // IDs
    repeated string IDs = 4;
    repeated string unknown_extensions = 5;

    // Full extension bytes
    bytes raw = 254;

What happens to our queries? We still have the unnest for aggregates, but we can query for individual extensions directly. Depending on your needs, this is likely a better setup.

-- Access individual extensions
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM certificates WHERE extensions.akid = "<value>"
-- Access individual extensions by ID
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM certificates WHERE "" IN extensions.ids;
-- Unknown extensions broken down by ID
SELECT COUNT(*), id FROM certificates c
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(c.extensions.unknown_extensions) as id
-- All extensions broken down by ID
SELECT COUNT(*), id FROM certificates c
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(c.extensions.unknown_extensions) as id

Save storage by shipping functions

If you have the ability to ship a set of macros or functions with your OLAP dataset (e.g. UDFs in BigQuery), you can save some storage space by providing functions that calculate derived fields at runtime. For example, instead of storing all extension IDs, you could write a function that materializes a list of IDs based on the contents of the extensions object. If you know you’re going to be in a single system, and you have the ability to provide importable functions for each version of your dataset easily, this might be a good option.

SELECT COUNT(*), id FROM certificates c
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ExtensionIDs(c.extensions)) as id

In this eample, ExtensionIDs is a function that takes an Extension object and returns an array of strings.

If you don’t have the ability to easily ship functions bound to specific versions of your dataset, don’t do this.

Timeseries and current state are probably different

You probably don’t want to store full objects in timeseries tables, even in an OLAP system. This is a reasonable use case to rely on joins, and just store identifiers in the timeseries table.

  1. If you’re dealing with files and scripts, this might be fine. Python will happily parse a map, and stronger-typed languages like Go can fallback to string maps. And technically, you could make it a JSON field in something like BigQuery. But in all cases, you’re pushing at the edge of features, compatibility, and consistency as soon as field names become dynamic. ↩︎