Roll your own crypto, then smoke it.

August 12, 2021

The July 31st, 2021 episode of the Security, Cryptography, Whatever podcast was the great “roll your own crypto”1 debate between Thomas Ptacek and Filippo Valsorda, moderated by Deirdre Connolly, with additional commentary provided by me. Loosely, Filippo was arguing that the mantra of “don’t roll your own crypto” has been ineffective and mostly serves as a form of gatekeeping in which the people the phrase is targeted at don’t listen to it anyway. Thomas was arguing that while that may be true, things could always be worse. I don’t want to summarize the whole episode, so if you’re interested in more detail, take a listen or read the automatic transcript.

Without taking a real stand in the debate, I’d like to provide some more context about how I interpret the phrase “don’t roll your own crypto”. For context, my background is split between academia and industry with a bent towards cryptography. My PhD thesis was on Internet-wide measurement of cryptography in network protocols, primarily HTTPS. In industry, I’ve primarily worked on data engineering problems surrounding Internet measurement, and on secure protocol engineering, with a nice mix of management and general B2B SaaS software engineering.

I agree with Thomas Ptacek when he said that “don’t roll your own crypto” means that any system with a serious cryptographic component should have consistent design input and review from “actual cryptographers”. This doesn’t mean that you can’t write code that calls AES unless you have a PhD. On the flip side, it also doesn’t mean that people with PhDs in cryptography should be writing code that calls AES. As Deirdre Connolly said, plenty of the cryptographic code written by “serious cryptographers” with PhDs is a mess for both cryptographic and software engineering related reasons.

Who counts as a cryptographer? That’s the tough part. The “don’t roll your own crypto” messaging can make qualified people think that they shouldn’t work on cryptography because they’ve never been officially blessed by a magical authority to deem them an actual cryptographer. There’s people who I consider to be cryptographers who don’t have any degrees, let alone PhDs. Graduate school isn’t a requirement, but it certainly can be part of a path to becoming a cryptographer. Cryptography is also a broad enough field that you could be perfectly competent at understanding and implementing certain things, and not others. I consider myself reasonably competent at working with secure transports, PKI, identity, and authentication, but I know almost nothing about zero-knowledge proofs or post-quantum cryptography.

I’m not an authority on who counts as a cryptographer, but if I were hiring cryptographers or evaluating myself when offering consulting services, I’d expect anyone qualified to roll their own cryptography to:

  • Be substantially engaged with the cryptographic community for multiple years, and to have worked with well-known or academically rigorous cryptographic constructs for some time.
  • Have worked with other “actual cryptographers” in the past.
  • Be able to use commonly accepted cryptography terminology to describe the properties of their system.
  • Understand enough of the math to know what enables any of these properties in the first place.
  • Understand attacks on similar cryptosystems, and when they do or do not apply.
  • Understand the layer they are operating at, and enough about the layer underneath to know when to be scared.
  • Know the limits of their own understanding, and have a list of people they would contact when they push up against topics outside their core wheelhouse and need to learn more or get advice on a particular problem.

Working on any specific subfield or at any specific abstraction level will have its own set of expected knowledge. If you’re designing hash functions and block ciphers, I expect you to understand differential cryptanalysis. If you’re implementing TLS, I don’t care if you know anything about the internals of AES-GCM, so long as you know what it does and what happens when you reuse a nonce. Similarly, many security engineers who aren’t cryptography-focused are qualified to use libraries to verify authentication tokens, even if they wouldn’t be qualified to implement TLS.

How do you learn all this stuff? Like any niche field, it’s very opaque until it isn’t. I think there’s more resources online for practical and applied cryptography now than there were 5-10 years ago. Coursera is still a great place to start, and Dan Boneh’s book, while unfinished, is more complete than it was and still available for free online. You can find talks and blog posts by authors of most cryptographic libraries for major languages online. The Real World Cryptography conference is a great place to meet people and learn about what’s being built, not just what’s happening to the theory. As always, the Cryptopals challenges are a great place to start.

In summary, don’t roll your own crypto. Build it for someone else, and charge a lot of money2. It’s hard!